Open source web publishing platform for sharing digital collections and creating media-rich web exhibitions.

Manage your digital collection

Text, image, audio, video, catalogue all your files

Omeka allows publishing of all types of files: text, image, audio, video, etc. It is possible to combine these files into a single document if you need to. You can also add tags to your document to help visitors find it more easily. To facilitate navigation and ease of use on the site, you can choose to save documents in collections. You can also create your own exhibitions with parts of a collection, or across collections.

An intuitive dashboard

A complete software, but not complicated

Omeka's admin panel is where you manage your Omeka installation. From the dashboard, you can find statistics for your current installation, documentation and collections that have recently been added or modified, and tabs for managing documents, collections, tags, exhibitions and plugins, among other things.

On the top side of the admin panel you can:

  • Change general settings for your installation,
  • Install and configure plugins,
  • Change the appearance of your installation,
  • Add, modify, remove users and their rights,
  • Delete email fields,
  • Adjust the search,
  • And manage the security of your system.

To manage users there are 4 access levels for registered users available. These four levels have the following rights:

  • Super users, who have access to the entire interface, have the right to change sensitive system parameters, edit users, themes and general settings.
  • Admin, who has the right to access and edit documents, collections and tags.
  • Employees, who have the right to add and edit documents they have created. They may also be allowed to create an exhibition with any document repository and permission to view public exposure from the admin interface.
  • Researchers, who have the right to view all documents and collections either private or public, but cannot modify them.

The power of a catalogue and a website

The best of both worlds

Omeka is designed to meet W3C and Section 508 accessibility standards. You can be sure to have a website that will be readable by everyone and that fits the most common search engines.


A complete CMS: HTML, CSS, PHP and an API that does it all

The websites created with Omeka use the most common languages for creating websites, namely HTML, CSS and PHP. You can choose to download ready-made themes available directly on the Omeka website, to customize one according to your wishes and needs, or to simply create one from scratch to get a truly personalized presentation. These three options are available with Omeka in the same way as other major CMSs.

Easy data sharing: OAI-PMH, Dublin Core, Atom, XML, JSON, RSS, RDF...

These options are available with the software or by adding plugins, and you can export your data in a variety of formats. This ensures greater durability of your data, as well as sharing and easier distribution. It is also possible to export data formats suitable for Zotero.

A software to suit your needs

The only limit is you

Omeka is a software designed primarily in PHP that allows almost unlimited modifications and development. In its current state, Omeka can handle more than a million devices, the main limitation being your server. Managing your collection with Omeka ensures that you can use it even if your collection grows significantly in a short time.

Made for collections with varying content

Omeka accepts a wide range of files, so your archives can contain texts, images, videos, PDF or audio files. It is also possible to create multi-page documents that combine the elements listed above.

Plugins: customise Omeka to your needs

You have the option to add more plugins that complement the functionality of Omeka. There are many plugins available with great variety, allowing for example an OAIPMH view of Dublin Core, an import of CSV data, the use of Dropbox for data that is too large or an extension of Dubin Core features. There are also plugins to create exhibitions, to allow visitors to comment on documents, to enable PDF searching or to integrate maps into Omeka.

Examples of uses can be seen here.